Deliverables (Software)
- D2
Reliable Communication
- D3 Replication Tool
- D4 Prototype of the Transactional Engine (software) (sources+documentation)
- D10 D11 CS Container JOpera V1.67.
- D13:
- JBoss Replication Framework
- Middle-R (DB Replication Middleware) source code
- JDBC driver for Middle-R (source code) (binaries)
- Extended PostgreSQL for Middle-R source code
- D14 CS Middleware JOpera V1.72
- D18
Demonstrator BS source
- D20
Demonstrator Source
Deliverables (Reports)
- Revised DUP Dissemination and Use Plan.
- D1 Basic Services Architecture.
- D2 Reliable Communication.
- D3 Replication
- D4 Prototype of the Transactional Engine.
- D5 Transaction Support.
- D6 Service Specification Language.
- D7 Composition Language.
- D8
Analysis Tool
- D9 CS Middleware Architecture.
- D10 CS
Availability Container
- D11 CS Adaptability Container
- D12 Security Report
- D13 BS Middleware.
- D15
Evaluation Plan.
- Revised D15
Evaluation Plan.
- D16 Updated Evaluation Plan.
- D17 Demonstrator Specification.
- D18
Demonstrator basic service.
- D19
Evaluation. Apendices.
- D20 Demonstrator.
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